Ma Huang is the King of Ephedra, it is the Chinese name for the Ephedra Plant called Sinica which has been used in Chinese medicine for thousands of years.
And diet pills as well
My research has shown that ephedra extract is a derivative of the plant that has had the alkaloids removed. It is my understanding that the ephedra extract is not as strong as the alkaloids and is also legal in all 50 states. It was ephedra alkaloids that were banned in some states, although many states later reversed that decision. Ephedra Extract is a scam. You might as well go for Ephedra Free. The real ephedra has alkaloids. They are not illegal as long as it is used for nasal decongestion or as bronchodilators. People use it to lose weight or to gain extra energy too. However, they may have harmful side effects. Usually Ephedra Extract comes from plants like Ephedra Viridis or Nevadensis, those does not contain a certain Alkaloid that contains Ephedrine which is very effective for weight loss. Ephedra Sinica or Sida Cordifolia are 2 other Ephedra Plants both containing Alkaloids and therefore they are considered to be "real" Ephedra.
There are quite a few places where you can buy Ephedra. But watch out not all Ephedra is the same.
There is no such thing as Ephedra Alkaloids. The reason is because Ephedra, Ma Haung and Sida Cordifolia are the herbs and Ephedrine Alkaloids is the active ingredient in them. Think of it as coffee beans and caffeine. Coffee, tea, cocoa are some of the herbs and beans that have the active ingredient caffeine. This is why you don't ask what the difference is between Ephedra and Ephedra Alkaloids because there is no such thing as Ephedra (herb) Alkaloids. It's like asking if coffee is the same as coffee caffeine. People will look at you funny. Get the real ephedra. Beware of companies selling fakes called Ephedra Extract. Those have the ephedrine alkaloids removed or not present at all. It is not quite the same. Ephedra exists in around 40 plants from around the world which all are different in their chemical structure. Some of the plants like Ephedra Sinica also called Ma Huang in Chinese, or Sida Cordifolia contains between 2.2 and 3.3 % Alkaloids in their chemical structure. The Alkaloids contains between 40 and 90% Ephedrine which is well known for being very effective for weight loss, especially when it comes as am ECA stack. An ECA Stack is Ephedra, Caffeine and Aspirin together. There are many diet pills on the market today, most of them comes from plants like Nevadensis or Viridis, both from North America and known as Mormon tea and Green Mormon tea. Nevadensis and Viridis does not contain any Alkaloids and therefore no Ephedrine.
The question could be changed to "What has ephedrine alkaloids in it?" Ephedrine Alkaloids is in real Ephedra. It is not in Ephedra Extract (most), Ephedra Viridis and Ephedra Nevadensis. Those are the inert kind without the Ephedrine Alkaloids that are needed to be effective. You can get the ones with Ephedrine Alkaloids. Ephedra Diets with Ephedrine Alkaloids are scientifically proven to burn fat, suppress appetite and energize. Beware of fake ephedra extracts sold elsewhere without the active ingredient ephedrine alkaloids from years ago. What overweight women and men have learned is that for years virtually every professional bodybuilder, informed fitness expert and successful personal trainer would tell you the same thing. Whether you want to accelerate the burning of excess body fat, boost your metabolic rate, heighten your thermogenic output or increase your energy level, there is nothing stronger or more effective than the "thermogenic cocktail" of Ephedra, Caffeine, and Aspirin (The E/C/A- Stack"). Patented formula and scientifically proven to work without diet or exercise. Beware of fakes called Ephedra Extract sold elsewhere. Only real Ephedra has the active ingredient Ephedrine Alkaloids. Those are the ones which have been scientifically proven to work. A herb found in China/Japan called as ma-hung has ephedrine in it. Other than that, you can get ephedrine at chemists too with a proper prescription of a doctor.
Not anymore but there is a copy called Metabodrene which has the exact same ingredients
No, Metabolife had ephedra in it which has beened banned for some time now. I have never tried Metabothin, but I am sure it isn't as strong without the ephedra. You could try a ECY stack (Ephedrine, Caffine, Yohimbe Stack). You can purchase High Power Caffine hlc 200mg, MegaPro Vasopro-Ephedrine 25 mg, and Yohimbe hlc 5 mg. I heard they have a similar effect. Ephedra and Phentermine (which is prescription) are the only supplements that have ever worked for me. I just ordered Hydroxycut hardcore. After doing a lot of research online a lot of people said they gained a lot of energy from it.
Ephedra sinica or ephedra vulgaris. Also known as ma huang, these plants contain the natural forms of ephedrine in the highest abundance among their genus. The alkaloid derivatives of this plant were first isolated and synthesized by Nagai Nagayoshi in the late 1800's, and are very similar to amphetamine in structure and function. In fact, ephedrine and amphetamine belong to the same chemical class, the phenethylamines. An important thing to remember, however, is that ma huang extract is not nearly as potent as the actual plant because it is extremely diluted. Also, you do not eat the plant itself - it must be boiled and strained into a tea. One must also remember that this is a very potent and dangerous substance in this form because there are about 9 forms of ephedrine simultaneously present in the plant itself. In order to make any practical use of this substance, the pure extract must be filtered to isolate the desired form of ephedrine. It really is more trouble, and danger, than it's worth. For the sake of your health, do not use this substance as a substitute for adderall. Ephedrine is not very useful as a psychostimulant because it acts on norepinephrine and serotonin more than it does on dopamine. It is really only medically useful in the treatment of severe sinus blockages.
you can buy almond extract in almost any grocery store in the same aisle as the vanilla extract.
rigt , never mind all that medical nonsense thi s is it it is still medically available as an agent to help asthma, in cough bottles etc, it contains a herb called ma haung, it was taking off the market because as a herb rather than a drug it posed too many risks and side effects, can be used for cutting weight, very effective when used with caffeine , and aspirin as prin stops it from thickening your blood, it raises your body temperature so and metabolism so that your body burns fat quicker, it also suppresses hunger, really depends what you intend to use it for ive used it before found it pretty good but some people do get side affects , dizzinesss, sweating, headache, do not take after3 pm if you want to sleep that night anyway have to go so rigt , never mind all that medical nonsense thi s is it it is still medically available as an agent to help asthma, in cough bottles etc, it contains a herb called ma haung, it was taking off the market because as a herb rather than a drug it posed too many risks and side effects, can be used for cutting weight, very effective when used with caffeine , and aspirin as prin stops it from thickening your blood, it raises your body temperature so and metabolism so that your body burns fat quicker, it also suppresses hunger, really depends what you intend to use it for ive used it before found it pretty good but some people do get side affects , dizzinesss, sweating, headache, do not take after3 pm if you want to sleep that night anyway have to go so
yes, garlic juice is the same as garlic extract......because as we all know the juice released by the garlic is called an extract or juice......extract, however,is something that can be released from a source by the use of force....the same as juice,can be released by the use of force
Yes you can its 1/4 a tsp of oil for 1 tsp of extract
Yes it is the same thing