No she is not lesbian. She is married to Michel Stern since 1995 and they have 1 son together.
Lisa Kudrow has 1 child
Lisa Kudrow married to Michel Stern in 1995
This 1999 movie starred Robert De Niro, Billy Crystal and Lisa Kudrow.
Lisa Kudrow
Lisa Kudrow is 53 years old (birthdate: July 30, 1963).
Lisa Kudrow's birth name is Lisa Valerie Kudrow.
No, Lisa Kudrow is not single.
Lisa Kudrow was born on July 30, 1963
That would be "Lisa Kudrow".
Yes, Lisa Kudrow has 1 kids
Lisa Kudrow is her real name
Lisa Kudrow was born on July 30, 1963.
Lisa Kudrow married to Michel Stern in 1995
Lisa Kudrow was born on July 30, 1963.
Lisa Kudrow is a/an Actress,writer,comedian,producer
She doesn't yet
Yes, Lisa Kudrow married to Michel Stern in 1995