cole ries is so gay he malested me!?!?!?!?!?!??!?!?!?!?!?!?!?and ever 1 els in my class lol...
Cigarette papers are not illegal if used for tobacco.
tobacco + paper = Cigarette
Yes. The same tobacco can be bought at cigarette shops, and is called pipe tobacco, they even sell some tobacco that is labeled cigarette tobacco, but is more expensive because of the label. Papers with filters can be bought by the box very cheaply, and you can buy a small cigarette roller and roll a carton of cigarettes for about $17. total cost.
tobacco is inside the cigarette.
Chandiska (chahn-dee-skah) is cigarette. Chandi (Chahn-dee) is tobacco. Chasasa (chon-sha-sha) is traditional tobacco used for ceremonial purpose. Chandiska wanzi maku (give me a cigarette). Chandi onge maku (give me some tobacco).
tobacco + paper = cigarette
Manikchand is a brand of cigarette. They contain tobacco.
nicotine and tobacco
Tobacco cigs.