Connecticut is not a gun-friendly state, period. Your chances of being approved for an NFA tax stamp of any sort are virtually nil.
Not designed for full auto modification.
I have the same gun and i use it on full auto all of the time. So yes it has full auto.
The IZH Drozd is a full auto BB gun.
You have to buy an E-grip for your marker, that will give it full auto capability.
The batteries make the gun go full auto.
see the link below
the Maxim machinegunMaxim machine gun.
While some would say the Gatling gun was the first,I consider the Maxim machine gun the first true full auto machine gun.
There is no gun registration in Kentucky, except in instances of NFA firearms (short barreled rifles, full auto firearms, suppressors, AOWs, etc.). If you don't have a firearm which falls into the Title II NFA category, there's nothing to register.
No one sells a full auto BB gun, The guns are usually 6 shot burst. One company sells a Full-auto .22 cal Pellet gun on the web.