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Q: Is Giff Gaff a GSM carrier?
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Is at and t a gsm carrier?

yes they are a gsm carrier.

Is Smart Philippines GSM or CDMA carrier?


Is Smart Philippines a GSM or CDMA carrier?

It's a gsm/umts network. There's no cdma carrier in the Philippines.

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Is pocket smart wireless is a gsm carrier?

unfortunately no, its cdma

Is T-Mobile a GSM carrier?

It operates several GSM networks in Europe and the United States.

How do you unlock an Apple iPhone 2G to use it with another wireless carrier?

You need one with a SIM Card slot. From there, find a GSM carrier, buy a SIM card and slip it in. (T-Mobile, AT&T, and every European carrier is GSM).

When was Howl Howl Gaff Gaff created?

Howl Howl Gaff Gaff was created on 2003-10-01.

Where can one purchase a unlimited data plan?

One can purchase an unlimited data plan from the following retailers: Giff Gaff, Three, T Mobile, Sprint, AT&T, EE, Tesco Mobile, Verizon, Virgin, Orange, to name a few.

When did Giff Zimmerman die?

Giff Zimmerman died in 1968.

When was Giff Vivian born?

Giff Vivian was born in 1912.

When did Giff Vivian die?

Giff Vivian died in 1983.