There is no record of this in the original story by Dickens
Annabel Mullion
At Fred's Christmas party in "A Christmas Carol," guests included Fred (Scrooge's nephew), his wife, Topper, a plump sister, Mrs. Fezziwig, and a number of other joyful partygoers who were enjoying games, laughter, and music in contrast to Scrooge's dour demeanor.
His wife and children
She was never actually named in the book
He goes on Christmas Day to beg Fred and Freds wife's forgiveness for being such a wicked miserly old man
originally they were Ebenezer Scrooge Bob Cratchit Mrs. Cratchit Peter Cratchit Belinda Cratchit Tiny Tim Martha Cratchit Jacob Marley The Ghost of Christmas Past The Ghost of Christmas Present The Ghost of Christmas Yet to Come Fred (Nephew) Freds Wife Freds Housemaid Scrooge's niece's sisters Topper Fezziwig Mrs. Fezziwig Belle Belles' Husband Belles' Daughter Caroline Carolines Husband Fan The Portly Gentlemen The undertaker Mrs Dilbur (House keeper) The Charlady The young male Carol singer Dick Wilkins a Fuzziwig employee The boy Ignorance. The girl Want. Old Joe the Beetling shop owner The boy that bought the turkey for Scooge The headmaster of the Boarding School
She is never referred to be name simply as Scrooges Niece, Fred's wife of when spoken of by Fred he will use the term "Darling"
Topper is a bachelor friend of Fred Scrooge, Ebenezer's nephew. He is in love with "that plump [neice's] sister in the lace tucker."
The main character in "A Christmas Carol" is Ebenezer Scrooge, a miserly old man. Other important characters include his deceased business partner Jacob Marley, the Ghosts of Christmas Past, Present, and Yet to Come, and Bob Cratchit, Scrooge's overworked employee.
ScroogeBob Cratchit and his familyJacob MarleyGhost of Christmas PastGhost of Christmas PresentGhost of Christmas Yet to BeScrooge's Nephew Fred and his wifeit is......................ScroogeGhost 1Spirit 1Spirit 2Spirit 3scrooge, Marley, 3 ghosts, tiny Tim
If you are referring to the Ghost of Christmas Present, characters include Father Christmas (a joyous old fellow), the Cratchit family (Christmas Day festivities), the allegorical twins, Ignorance and Want, Belle Fezziwig (Ebenezer's former fiance).