Dustin Diamond's birth name is Dustin Neil Diamond.
Dustin Diamond played Screech in saved by the bell and no one else.
Dustin Diamond goes by Dirty Sanchez.
Dustin Diamond was born on January 7, 1977.
Dustin Diamond was born on January 7, 1977.
Dustin Diamond was born on January 7, 1977. He is 36 years old, as of 2013.
No, Dustin Diamond is not realted to any of the people in Cypress Hill.
The cast of Dustin Diamond Teaches Chess - 2001 includes: Dustin Diamond as himself David Gliksman as Himself (Internationally Rated Senior Master)
Actor Dustin Diamond grew up with the Lutheran religion. However, it is not mentioned if he still practices this faith as an adult.
Dustin Diamond played Screech on Saved By The Bell and is now causing quite a commotion on Celebrity Fit Club: Men vs. Women.
Port Washington, Wisconsin.