What was the Dow Jones on election day 2016?
The DOW closed at 10850.66 on 09/30/2008 Bubba
The last trading day in November 2008 was the 28th. The closing price of the Dow Jones Industials Average was 8,829.04http://blog.rebeltraders.net
what day is you forgot a date
What time are you open Christmas Day
Zellers is not open christmas day . Walmart is open 24 hours for christmas.
In England people do open presents on Christmas day, the day after father Christmas has come
The Dow Jones Industrial Average closed at 7,949.09 on the day Barack Obama took office as the 44th President of the United States on January 20, 2009.
Your question cannot be answered because you did not put the date in your question. See Related Links below to get historical prices for the Dow Jones such as the open, close, high, and low for the day dating back to 1970. Simply type in the date you are looking for.
No, it is not open one Christmas day.
On Christmas day is the day that you traditionally open your gifts.
Yes. Gamestop is open the day after Christmas.