The proper spelling of the German name for Germany is Deutschland.Deutschland
Yes, both "Deutschland" and "Germany" refer to the same country in Europe. "Deutschland" is the German word for the country, while "Germany" is the English name for the nation.
Legoland Deutschland is located in Günzburg, in between the cities of Augsburg and Ulm, southern Germany.It's official address is as follows:Legolandallee,89312 GünzburgGermany
Austria: Γsterreich Switzerland: Schweiz Germany: Deutschland
I think you are looking for the word "Deutschland". It is always capitalized.
Germany or Deutscheland in German
"Bundesrepublik Deutschland" (Federal Republic of Germany) is the correct title.
The proper spelling of the German name for Germany is Deutschland.Deutschland
Cect 599 supports MMS, but you need a "GPRS subscription" by your service provider (T-mobile Deutscheland), once you have the subscription, you can use the MMS or WAP internet services on your cect 599
That is the correct spelling of the proper noun Germany (a country in western Europe).
Deutschland translates as Germany
Deutschland is the German name for Germany.
Abellio Deutschland's population is 1,233.
Neues Deutschland was created in 1946.
The population of Kabel Deutschland is 2,010.
Kabel Deutschland was created in 2003.
Caldera Deutschland was created in 1997.