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Yes, that is the origin of the word. Maybe even closer to Christ's Mass. It refers to the Roman Catholic liturgy for the day commemorating the birth of Jesus.

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Q: Is Christmas really Christ Mass
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What does Christ's Mass mean?


What does Christmas mean when it's broken down?

It comes from Christ Mass. A Mass is a Roman Catholic service. Christ refers to Jesus Christ. So, the Mass celebrating the birth of Christ was called the Christ Mass, shortened to Christmas.

Where does the name Christmas come from?

:Christmas comes from the words Christ and mass. "Christ" refers to Jesus Christ, the Christian messiah; and mass is a religious ceremony or celebration.

Why was Christmas named Christmas?

Christmas means Christ's mass celebrating the birth of Christ.

Where did Christmas get its name -?

It is named after Jesus Christ, not St. Christopher. Christmas is named after the birth of Jesus Christ. The "mas" part of Christmas comes from the Roman Catholic term "mass." Christmas was originally a mass for Christ, to celebrate His birth. Christ

Why is it that we have Christmas?

because christ mas is when jesus was born... ( christ mass)

Where do you get the name Christmas from?

The Mass for Christ (literally).

What does mas on Christmas mean?

The word “Christmas” comes from the “Christ mass” or “Mass of Christ”. The “mas” part of “Christmas” is the same as the word Catholics still use for a church service - a mass. It comes from the time when every saint had their own saint's day on which a mass or communion service was said in their memory.

What is the origin of the season of Christmas?

Christmas comes from the phrase "Christ mass" as it was the Catholic tradition begun to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ.

What is the old name for Christmas?

Are you thinking of "Christ's Mass" or "Christmastide"?

Why is it called christmas?

It is the Mass for Christ, read in the Catholic church.

Christmas is an old English word contraction for what to words?

Christ's Mass