Alex wwassabi love boy have sexual shake
butt roi wassabi crazy wreid create channel
on you tube
No, Alex Wassabi's real name is Alex Burriss and Roi Wassabi's real name is Roi Fabito. They use stage names for their online personas.
No, Alex and Roi Wassabi are in no way related. However, they are best friends.
roi wassabi yea he is a youtuber with his brother alex wassabi i luv them i want to meat them!!
I don't think Alexander Burris (Alex wassabi) as a girlfriend but he might get one so hurry up And i mean it
no he's christian
No, Alex Wassabi is not Italian because his family name, Burriss, is of Anglo-Saxon origin and serves as a same-meaning variant of Burrows.
Aaron is about 24 and Alex is about 22
For real Alex is 22 and Roi is 19!
No one knows