Paula Leggett Chase was born on September 2, 1961, in Evansville, Indiana, USA.
Not as of his 38th birthday in 2012. Adam Khoo was born April 8, 1974.
No, Savage was born Jewish, but considers himself an atheist.
Nikki Moscato's birth name is Tameishia Leggett.
No, as of 9/11/2014, Adam Richman of the Travel Channel is alive. He did have some medical problems in 2012 because of his work as a competitive eater, but he has since quit competitive eating and dropped 60 pounds. He is now in good health.
Adam Leggett is a middle aged man who hails from the city of North Mankato, Minnesota. As of July 2013, Adam appears to be alive and well and posts on his Facebook page regularly.
Dave Leggett's birth name is William David Leggett.
Jay Leggett's birth name is Jay Michael Leggett.
Chris Leggett is 6'.
Scott Leggett died in 1997.
Jeremy Leggett was born in 1954.
Lucille Leggett was born in 1896.
Lucille Leggett died in 1965.
Earl Leggett was born in 1933.
Charles Leggett was born in 1874.
Charles Leggett died in 1934.
Phil Leggett is 5' 8".