well, im 14. I'm pretty sure it depends on the person. the parents. but if you think you would make a good parent and you're ready for it. then go ahead :)
In the 21st century, 14 is way too young to be pregnant! A 14-year-old is not ready medically, emotionally or financially to become a parent.
Give it to adoption until you're old enough to have resomsiblity.
Not really, unless the girl has became pregnant.
no they cant marry because their to young.
Yes. It is against the law to have sex before the age of 16 or 18 depending on where you live.
No. There is no judge who would do that. At 14 you are not done with school and can not get a job or a place to live. You need your parents to support you and if emancipated they are no longer responsible for you and you are completely on your own. 14 is too young for that. When pregnant and after you decide things regarding your baby but your parents still decide regarding you.
No. Men cannot become pregnant.
if it is a young boy of 14 years of age or older the answer would probaly be YES!!!!
It is definitely not too young to GET pregnant. Whether a 15-year-old ought to BE pregnant is another question entirely.
It would be better if you were at least 18 but you could get preganent at as young as 14. after your very first period is when you can get pregnant....that does not necessarily mean you have to be 14....some girls get their periods around 11 or 12
physically no, emotionally yes. Most 14 year olds do not have the emotional capacity nor life experience to properly take care of and raise a child of their own as they are still a child themselves.
No. Young adults can get pregnant though.