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Nope. It's perfectly normal.

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Q: Is 135 lbs a lot for a 5' 7 female?
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At 5''9 what is a perfect weight?

Male- thers not a perfect weight but a healthy one is between 165-185 lbs. female-120-135 lbs.

What is the Ideal weight for 42 year old 5 foot 4 inch adult female?

I figure at least between 125-135

Is 135 fat for a 16 year old who is 5'6?

No, 135 is just fine. Rule if thumb is 100 lbs. for the first 5 ft. + 5 lbs. for each inch over. Using that formula 5' 6" should be 130 lbs.

What is the 5' female's average weight?

100 lbs.

What is the average weight for an 5 foot 1 girl?

This depends on your muscle and bone structure as well as how much of your body IS muscle and not fat because muscle weighs more then fat but the average weight for someone your height is probably around 135-145. **This is an estimate from which the average weight for a female at 5 feet 2 inches is about 130.

What is an ideal weight for a 50 year old female that is 5'2?

A quick guide for any age is 100 lbs for the first 5 ft and 5 lbs for each additional inch, so a woman who is 5'2" should weigh about 110lbs

What is the ideal weight for a 62 year old female whose height is 5'7?

The average weight of a 52 year old woman who is 5'9" can vary. However, the normal weight is 155 lbs.

What should your average weight be if you are 5 feet 7 inches?

you should be 135 lbs to about 150 lbs, 150 lbs is max though that might cause overweight but that's the range

How much is 135 lbs in stone?

14 lbs = 1 stone. Therefore, 140 lbs is exactly 10 stone.

What is an average weight for a 5' 5 18-year-old female?

For women, rule of thumb is 100 lbs. for the first 5 ft. + 5 lbs. for each inch over. So, at 5 ft. 3 in. the weight would be 100 lbs. + 3 x 5 lbs. or 115 lbs.

Normal weight for 5'2?

female 5' 2"99 - 121 lbs male 5' 2"106 - 130 lbs

Normal weight 5'9?

male - female - 5' 9"144 - 176 lbs.5' 9"131 - 160 lbs.