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This depends on how tall you are. Use a BMI calculator to check your height vs your weight. (There are many websites that can calculate this for you) This is an OK method to use, unless you are extremely sporty (muscle weighs more) or pregnant, very old or very young. Just remember it's not gospel, it's an average range so there will always be exceptions to the rule.

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Q: Is 130 pounds overweight for a 17-year-old female?
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Was Shane dawson on YouTube overweight?

Yes. He then lost like 130 pounds.

Are you over weight if your 61 cm tall and weigh 130 pounds?

61cm? That's about 2 feet. You would definitly be overweight if you were 2 ft and 130 pounds.

Im 14years old and im a 5'5 and you weigh 125 pounds am i over weight?

NO, you are not overweight at all, in fact I believe you are in your range. I am 5'3, and according to my range I will be considered overweight if above 130. So, you being taller your limit for overweight would be higher than 130.

Is 113 pounds considered overweight if you are 14 years old?

no.its sister is 13 and she is 120-130

What is the average weight of a 5'6 female?

Usually around 130 pounds

Is 123 pounds overweight for a 12-year-old?

No, It is NOT 80-130 lbs. is good it also depends on your Height and your Weight.

Im 5'5 130 pounds and a male Is that normal?

As a male that is 5'5 and weighs 130 pounds, you are in the normal range for your height.

Is 196 pounds overweight for a 5' 5 14-year-old boy?

Should be like 145. But 130-150 is fine. :)

I am 13 and 4'11and i weigh 130 pounds is this over weight?

yes you are overweight your BMI (body mass index) is 26.3 Underweight =

Is a 5' 2 96 pound 11-year-old overweight?

If you are healthy and don't have an excess fat to muscle ratio it is not overweight. No, the normal weight for someone who is 5'2" is about 100 to 130 pounds.

How much should you weigh when you are 5'8?

If you're a guy between 145 - 155 pounds. A female between 120 pounds - 130 pounds.

What is 130 pounds converted in to pounds?

130 pounds remains 130 pounds when converted from pounds to pounds.