Yes it is. A person should take about 2000 calories average in a day. So, split that on 5 meals, 3 of them as a main meals and 2 snacks and you will get your answer. If you take 1160 calories only in one meal, you have only 840 calories to split between the rest of your meals.
Depends on your sex, age and many other factors, but for one meal i would say that around 650-800 calories would be a 'heavy' meal.
Look at he back that should help.... Every 100 Grms of Ice cream has about 200 to 300 Cals just multiply it by ten you will get your answer.
There are 1760 yards in one mile. Therefore, 1160 yards is equal to 1160/1760 = 0.6590 recurring (that is, 0.65909090..) miles.
fewer than 1200 calories
A lot for one item. One meal......not bad at all.
No. It takes 3,500 calories to gain a solid pound of body weight. One meal will not do that.
welll you have to think about what u are eating then compare other foods
For the past few years, the rate of obesity in people across the country has increased dramatically. Luckily, there are things people can do to avoid becoming obese. One of the most effective things to do to avoid obesity is to avoid overeating. Most people are unaware how many calories that they actually consume in one sitting. To help with this, most people should do their best to count calories every meal and avoid eating over 500 calories in any one meal.
meal is a one-syllable word.
Depends on what you have stashed in the corn meal