Normal blood pressure is 120/80, so a diastolic of 60 is a bit low.
Check with your Doctor.
No, a woman is born with a certain number of eggs and when she reaches menopause she is all out and can not get pregnant any more. That usually happens when a woman is in her 50's.
My wife has 88 in pulse and she is in week 13.
Pregnancy is a known risk whenever a woman has sex. There is no birth control method, including vasectomy and tubal ligation, that is 100% effective. If a woman gets pregnant with an IUD, she and her partner are responsible.
No test is 100% accurate.
100 pounds over 100 sq inches = 1 pound per square inch pressure
It is worth 100 lashes by a pregnant virgin jungle woman name Naagumtoontu.
A pregnant woman should eat roughly 100 to 200 calories more per day that she normally would to support a healthy pregnancy. For example, is the woman normally eat 1,500 calories a day, when she is pregnant she should eat about 1,600 calories or so a day. A pregnant woman should also be taking daily vitamins and minerals.
It is very unlikely for a woman to get pregnant after having her fallopian tubes cut and burned, as this procedure is a permanent form of contraception. However, there is still a small chance of pregnancy, so it is not considered 100% foolproof.
It is worth 100 lashes by a pregnant virgin jungle woman name Naagumtoontu.
No. You would not be noticable yet. If you are a very thin woman, you wont show until you are 16-17 weeks.
I am assuming you mean 134/100. This would be considered high blood pressure (hypertension).