1 notch - full choke 2 notches - improved modified 3 notches - modified 4 notches - improved cylinder 5 notches - skeet no notch - cylinder
Your Browning model citori B525 over under shotgun was made in 2 models,the sporting and the golden clays.Both were made in 5 grades,from Grade 1 to grade 5 with ascending levels of embellishment.The golden clays has a oiled finished grade V stock with solid pad and schnabel forearm.engraving pattern that depicts the transition of a game bird to a clay bird in 24K gold.This model includes 5 midas grade Invector choke tubes.the sporting grade.
Go to Browning's site, click on Support then date your firearm.
No serial number provided.Browning had the model 525 available from the year 2002-2008.
Basically the same gun. 325 came out first and while it did have a silver receiver just like the 525, the engraving was much more plain on the 325. They also made a 325 Grade 2. browning 325 has a flatter top rib and unvented barrels came in grades from grade1, very plain to grade 6 ornate ingraving with inlayed gold ducks and red setter. i have b525 and i much prefer my wifes b325 better gun if you can find one. They have a cult following. my b525 is been sold for a grade 6 b325 older than the b525 but better