One sold at auction for $ 400.00 recently. I own a Intrarms .45 Colt Model 65 SRC and wouldn't take less than $ 500.00 for it and it carries a patina finish.
No known published sn data.
No such sn for a 65-2.The model 65 had a serial number prefix of 1D between the years 1976-1980.The model 65 had a serial number prefix of between 2D-17D from 1977-1983.
The savage/steven model 65-66 was made from 1929-1945 with total production being 174,000 guns.
The model 65 was produced with the K-frame.
I can say that the Smith and Wesson model 65-2 was made from 1977-1981.your handgun is included during this 4 year time frame.
The Marlin model 81DL was a promotional model repeater that was made from 1940-1965.The price range for this model was from 65-110 dollars.
Your Marlin model 81DL was a promotional model that was made by Marlin from 1940-1965.These range in price from 65-100 dollars.
Model number 65ESL73R would be a 1973 model, 65 hp Johnson outboard.