If you go to Remington's web site, you can request one or download one.
NO! The 1187 barrel was for remington shotguns,the auto-5 shotgun is a browning shotgun.
IMHO you would be better served by ordering a replacement manual for free on the Remington site.
The value of an 11-87 Remington shotgun depends on the condition of the gun. This shotgun in excellent condition sells for between 50.00 and 625.00 as of 2014.
No, the 11-87 is a semi auto shotgun. If you saw a pump action which looked like an 11-87, it may have been a Remington 887.
Baikal isn't made buy Remington; it just has the name stamped on the side. It is made by baikal of russia
The 1187 is made in USA, the Bakail is made in Russia.An 11-87 is a shotgun designed by remington to shoot 31/2 in shells. The bikail is a russian made shotgun that shoots the same shell. Remington bought Bikail and is now selling the guns under there name. Bikail has a chrome lined barrel the 11-87 does not
The 1187 is a safety modified Reminton 1100. The safety was changed in 1987, hence the model number change from 1100 to 1187.
50-500 usd
AFAIK, no.
300 or so