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Christmas trees were first displayed in the early modern Germany in the 16th century. Others believe it was introduced by the Christian reformer Martin Luther. The tree was lighted with candles.

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Q: In which country were Christmas trees first displayed?
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First country was first to use tradition of Christmas trees?


What country did they first decorate Christmas trees?

Germany, where many of our Christmas traditions originated.

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In which country do they use artificial Christmas Trees not real Christmas Trees?

I know they use artificial Christmas trees in the US! I imagine they use artificial Christmas trees everywhere, but now I am interested as to whether there is a country that absolutely does not use artificial Christmas trees in place of live.

When did Christmas trees become popular?

"Christmas Trees" have a long history that predates the birth of Christ. In ancient times evergreen trees were used to decorate homes for celebration of winter feasts. Martin Luther is said to have introduced the custom to the Christian religion. For a more detailed history click on the link below.

When were Christmas Trees first placed in homes to celebrate Christmas?

the first Christmas trees were placed in homes in 1923

When were Christmas trees first introduced to the UK?

Christmas trees were introduced by the germans.One of the first christmas trees was introduced by Albert Saxcoburg,Queen Victoria's husband.

What country invented Christmas trees?

The Christmas tree first came about after the Reformation and Germany is given as the first use of the Christmas tree, but before then churches and houses were decorated with any thing green.

Which country Christmas trees originated?


What trees are used for Christmas tree in India?

India doesn't really have Christmas trees, as the country is predominately Hindu.

What year were Christmas trees invented?

Christmas trees first became popular in about 1850.

The tradition of the christmas tree?

Christmas trees originally come from Germany and we adopted it as it spread from country to country throughout Europe.