in 2009
In the year 2020 and again in 2026.
Yes, since 2016 it a leap year Christmas will fall on Friday in '15 and Sunday in '16.
While it's not an entirely straightforward progression (due to leap year), on average Christmas falls on a Friday in one out of every seven years.The last year (prior to 2016) in which Christmas was on a Friday was 2015.
Christmas day will be on a Saturday 2010!
December 25, 2025 will be on a Thursday.
The next time that Halloween will fall on Friday is in the year 2025. The last time it was on a Friday was 2014.
As of 2009 the last time was 2004
Christmas Day is always on the 25th of December and can fall on any day of the week in a normal year or a leap year. So the answer to your question is that in a leap year Christmas Day can be on Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday or Saturday.
June 10th last occurred on a Friday in 2011, and will occur again in 2016.
In 2013, when it was on the 29th of March.
Good Friday will next fall on April 19 in 2019.
2006, but if this year wasn't a leap year it'll be a Monday this year!