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Q: In what film did Noah fall in love with Allie?
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Where did Ali and Noah meet in the notebook?

Noah fell in love with Allie in the movie 'The Notebook'.

What is the duration of Why Do Fools Fall in Love film?

The duration of Why Do Fools Fall in Love - film - is 1.93 hours.

What is The Notebook novel about?

The notebook is about two kids, Allie (15) and Noah (17), that come from two different social classes (she from an upper class and he from a lower) and meet at a carnival in the summer sometime in the 1930s and fall in love. They spend the summer together though at the end of it they separate because Allie has to go back home (she spent the summer in Noah's hometown because her father had to work there for the summer). Though Noah has sent Allie dozens of letters they mysteriously never got to her. So Noah and Allie are left to think that neither want contact with each other. 14 years later, Allie is engaged to wealthy man and Noah is living in a house he dreamt to buy, repair and live in since his childhood. one morning Allie wakes to find a picture of Noah and his new house in the newspaper and finally decides that its time to see him again, and here the story starts..... I recommend the notebook to romance lovers and especially to people who don't because this truly is a story that will change your minds

What is the summary of the notebook?

the notebook is about an elderly man who reads to his elderly wife (who has Alzheimer's) about the summer they fell in love and the obstacles they faced through out their life to be together (she was high class where has he was lower class)

How does the notebook end?

The younger Allie chooses Noah over Lon, her supposed fiance, and they start a life together. Then the movie goes back to the present time and older Allie remembers that that was their love story. But relapses and is taken away from Duke/older Noah. Then later that night, Duke goes to Allie's room and sleep beside her. A nurse found them the next morning, lifeless. =}

Related questions

Is the letter that noah wrote to allie in the note book a poem or a love letter?

love leter i think?

What were the character traits for Noah Calhoun?

sexy, caring, sweet, affectionate, loving, burly, devoted, rugged, and in love with allie.

Where did Ali and Noah meet in the notebook?

Noah fell in love with Allie in the movie 'The Notebook'.

What are 3 allusions in the notebook by nicholas sparks?

One allusion in "The Notebook" is to Shakespeare's "Romeo and Juliet" when Noah and Allie come from different social backgrounds but fall in love. Another allusion is to the Greek myth of King Midas when Noah talks about how he transformed his ordinary life into a golden one when he met Allie. The third allusion is to Hemingway's "A Farewell to Arms" when the characters face the challenges of war and separation.

What is the duration of Why Do Fools Fall in Love film?

The duration of Why Do Fools Fall in Love - film - is 1.93 hours.

What is The Notebook novel about?

The notebook is about two kids, Allie (15) and Noah (17), that come from two different social classes (she from an upper class and he from a lower) and meet at a carnival in the summer sometime in the 1930s and fall in love. They spend the summer together though at the end of it they separate because Allie has to go back home (she spent the summer in Noah's hometown because her father had to work there for the summer). Though Noah has sent Allie dozens of letters they mysteriously never got to her. So Noah and Allie are left to think that neither want contact with each other. 14 years later, Allie is engaged to wealthy man and Noah is living in a house he dreamt to buy, repair and live in since his childhood. one morning Allie wakes to find a picture of Noah and his new house in the newspaper and finally decides that its time to see him again, and here the story starts..... I recommend the notebook to romance lovers and especially to people who don't because this truly is a story that will change your minds

How did allie want the house built in the notebook?

she liked the house because there was a part in the story somewhere in the beginning where Noah and her were trying to make love but somehow interrupted by their friend because Allie's parents were looking for her. in this part of the story Noah promised his dream to Allie that he will make that abandoned house theirs when they married and that's the place where they will grow old and raise their children. Even though Allie got separated from Noah when her parents took her back to the city, Noah pursued the dream and rebuilt a new house in that location and made it a really beautiful house.

When was Why Do Fools Fall in Love - film - created?

Why Do Fools Fall in Love - film - was created on 1998-08-28.

What is the summary of the notebook?

the notebook is about an elderly man who reads to his elderly wife (who has Alzheimer's) about the summer they fell in love and the obstacles they faced through out their life to be together (she was high class where has he was lower class)

How does the notebook end?

The younger Allie chooses Noah over Lon, her supposed fiance, and they start a life together. Then the movie goes back to the present time and older Allie remembers that that was their love story. But relapses and is taken away from Duke/older Noah. Then later that night, Duke goes to Allie's room and sleep beside her. A nurse found them the next morning, lifeless. =}

In the movie the notebook what is the resolution?

Noah and Allie were the man and woman in the nursing home. Allie became sick with Alzheimer's and noah stayed by her side thru the whole thing. Each day trying to help her memory by reading her the story of their love. They both died together in each others arms so they never had to be separated. :)

Are allie and Noah dead at the end of the notebook?

It is not said, but most likely old age and a yearning so strong to be together like when they were young. If you remember what the old Allie asked the old Noah at the end of the movie, " you think our love is strong enough to take us away together?" to which Noah replies, "I think our love can do anything we want it to." At the end they are reincarnated as birds, implying that their love did in fact "take them away together" in a world where they could love each other in a young, carefree state like they had years ago.