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yes that's normal and yes it is safe. you can have sex pup until the 8th month. (based on my experience).

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Q: In the early stage of pregnancy is it normal to have cramping without bleeding just white discharge and is it safe to have sex when this happens?
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What happens to the baby if its still alive after a miscarriage?

Usually a miscarriage happens because the baby passed away, before any cramping or bleeding started.

What happens when you have clear discharge when you are pregnant?

Clear discharge during pregnancy is very normal and nothing to be alarmed about. If the discharge is excessive, wear a thin panty liner to absorb the discharge.

Is pink discharge a sign of pregnancy?

As the baby grows during your pregnancy, the uterus is receiving a lot of blood flow in order to deliver all the necesary nutrients & oxygen your baby needs to grow. Often your cervix (which is the entrance to the uterus) is slightly swollen due to the increased blood flow. The blood vessels in the cervix are also somewhat bigger. Pink discharge after intercourse that appears as spotting can be a normal sign. The "trauma" of the penis contacting the cervix during intercourse can cause these blood vessels to rupture and a small amount of bleeding to occur. This is normal. However, pink discharge may be a sign of something more serious. Pink or red discharge is always fresh bleeding. Brown discharge is almost always "old" bleeding. It is always best to check with your healthcare provider in order to know for sure whether pink discharge during pregnancy is normal for you. ANSWER I got pink blood in my discharge can that happen in early pregnancy but the thing is I got my period 2 weeks later

What happens if you have spotting while not on your period?

Thats a pregnancy sign called implantation bleeding

Is it ok to have white discharge during 23rd week of pregnancy?

Yes this is perfectly normal hun. The white discharge may increase throughout your pregnancy and it is nothing to worry about unless you have itching, soreness, buring upon urination or a smelly discoloured discharge. If this happens then see your doctor.

Is brown spotting after sex whilst in the first trimester of pregnancy normal?

Yes! Light pink or brown spotting after sex is normal. During pregnancy, the cervix becomes more filled with blood. Sex can irritate the cervix and cause some bleeding. Of course, if you are worried or have any other questions call your doctor. Heavy bleeding, bleeding with pain or cramping, or bleeding that doesn't stop can mean something is seriously wrong. Call your doctor or go to the emergency room if this happens.

What are different types of miscarriages?

Firstly, miscarriage is the term used when a pregnancy is lost by accident. You may also hear it talked of as an abortion. This does NOT mean a medical or surgical termination it is just 'medical speak'. Early on in pregnancy you may have a 'complete' miscarriage. You may not even know you are pregnant and you lose all the pregnancy like a late, heavy period. This can be dealt with at home. There is also an 'incomplete', where the cramping and bleeding do not stop because some of the peregnancy is still in the uterus. Medical care is needed as the bleeding has to be stopped. 'Threatened', is where you have some bleeding and cramping and then it stops. You may go on to have a full-term pregnancy, or it may come back and you start bleeign again then it becomes 'Inevitable' and you lose the baby. Very occasionally you may have a 'missed' when the baby dies but you do not pass it and all the symptoms of pregnancy go away. If this happens you may need medical care to help pass the pregnancy. For more information see

What happens if you have some red spotting and some pain to go along with it?

Any bleeding during pregnancy should be directed to your OB/GYN....especially bleeding with pain.

Brown discharge after sex pinkish when wipe after urinate?

We are quite sensitive inside the vagina and bleeding a little happens sometimes, especially if there wasn't enough lubricant. The discharge could be if you are close to menstruation.

Why do you have thick light pink vaginal discharges?

This type of discharge happens when the body is getting ready for your menstrual cycle to begin.

What happens if you take the morning after pill but you acctually do not have a chance of being pregnant?

Hi, Nothing will happen but you will still probably feel abdominal cramping and may experience vaginal bleeding.

Will decidual bleeding be shorter than your normal period?

During early pregnancy, hormonal changes can cause ovulation or a thickening of the uterine lining that sheds, in spite of the presence of a fertilized egg. When this happens around the time of your normal period, it is called decidual bleeding and the amount of blood can be the same as a period. It occurs in about 30% of pregnancies and while bleeding in early pregnancy is always alarming, most woman go on to have a normal pregnancy. Light bleeding or spotting, before your period is due, may be implantation bleeding, again harmless. Always notify your doctor when you experience any bleeding during pregnancy.