1942 is a very common date Washington quarter. Most are only valued for the silver, about $3.60 as of today.
T he most common in the World is : Boy:Micheal Girl:Mariya Most common is the U.S: Boy: John Girl:Emily
The 1943 Washington quarter is a high mintage very common coin. Most are only valued for the silver. As of today, the value is about $3.90.
In 2005 the most common male name was James, and the most common female name was Mary, and the most common surname was Smith.
The most common currency traded today is the US Dollar with almost 85% of the trading volume.
Lethal Injection
taxi driver
Common Defense
The Bible is the best selling book in the world.
When traveling near by it is the car, and for far trips it is the plane.
the most common language in the US is English
No. They are common there today.
1942 is a very common date Washington quarter. Most are only valued for the silver, about $3.60 as of today.
Tornadoes are most common in Texas