Okkay here are some text talk , Mates=m8s Yes-Yh or yr or ys By the way-BTW For your informaion- FYI Later-L8ter Got to go-G2G Laugh out loud-LOL Nuthing Much-NM Just chilling-JC
yh bro yh man u rite bro yh yh yh give it to me yh
yh bro yh man u rite bro yh yh yh give it to me yh
Talk 'N Text was created in 2000.
DNA in text talk means "did not attend" or "does not apply."
It means 'yeah' in text form. I didn't know what it meant either so I looked it up.
Text Talk!
talk to them in school.
Talk 'N Text's motto is 'Tipid Sulit - Together!'.
yh yh
yh yh