You may possibly begin to feel little flutters around 3or 4 months but you will feel the babys movement distinctly by 5 months. Mostly when you are trying to sleep
You should feel your baby's first movements, called "quickening," between weeks 16 and 25 of your pregnancy. By the second pregnancy, some women start to feel movements as early as 13 weeks. You're more likely to feel baby move when you're in a quiet position, either sitting or lying down.
You do not appreciate the heart rate of the baby normally. What you appreciate are the body movements of the baby. You need to watch the movements. Not feeling active movements make you consult the gynecologist.
Some women don't feel the baby move until month 4, 5, or 6 of the pregnancy. If you're concerned, check with your doctor. He can do an ultrasound to check on the baby.
You will begin to feel fetal movements around week 17 - 20.
Feeling your baby move for the first time when you are pregnant is very exciting. Your baby started moving around around 7 weeks, but you won't be able to feel him until 16 - 22 weeks. If you have already had a baby, you might be able to feel it a little earlier because you know what the movement feels like. Mothers have described the movements as butterflies or even popcorn popping in your stomach. Once you feel the movement more frequently you will be able to tell without a doubt that it's the baby moving and not gas or hunger pains. The movements start out fairly weak, but late in your pregnancy they will get much stronger!
Pregnancy is possible after a girl start menstruation.
Yes, your baby may be moving. Usually the mother doesn't begin feeling the baby's movements 'til the 4th or 5th month. As the baby grows and develops the movements get stronger. Eventually you will be able to see the movement in your belly.
you can have a small belly during pregnancy that might mean you will have a small baby
Go see a doctor quick, your baby is trying to escape through your anus!
Some symptoms that a person will experience during different stages of pregnancy are swollen feet, cravings, morning sickness, fatigue, and the movements of the baby.
pregnancy symptons can start as late as 3months and that is because that's closer to the time were the baby is devoloping and isn't a fetus anymore!
It's hard for the baby to move around a lot when it's this late in the pregnancy. There's not much room. If you are worried see your doctor.