Family feud
1 - how to grow corn
2 - hunt
3 - sharing
4 - thanks
5 - peace
6 - cooking
7 - how to smoke
An antecessor is a person who precedes another in a position or office. It can also refer to an ancestor or a predecessor in a family line.
Indians wore jewelry for various reasons, including cultural and religious significance, to display wealth and social status, for personal adornment and self-expression, and as a form of protection or talisman. Jewelry also played a role in traditional ceremonies and rituals within Indian communities.
A person who studies family ancestry is called a genealogist.
A Lakota family typically consisted of an extended family group, with multiple generations living together in a tipi. A large tipi could accommodate around 10-15 family members comfortably.
A matriarchal family is a social unit where the mother or female figure is the central authority figure and holds primary power and decision-making roles within the family. In matriarchal families, women tend to have higher status and influence compared to men.
November 26 1621.......the pilgrims and Indians first celebrated it to set peace among them and there family
-Thanks -Giving -Feast -Fall -Leaves -Turkey -Pumpkin Pie -Thanksgiving -Family -Dinner -Pilgrims -Indians -Corn
FAMILY FEUD:Spray YouLeakStraw BreaksExplodeCan't Get Straw In
by eating turkey :) im from the uk Having a huge family feast with turkey and pumpkin pie and re enacting the Pilgrims and Indians story
Facebook Family FuedTop 4 Answers:BarrelRaftCannoeTube
Do you mean, "How do you add a family member to your friends on facebook?" Or do you mean, "How do you add family members on your facebook profile, saying 'family'?"
Life for pilgrims was very hard until the Native Americans came.
pictures, jewelry, their clothes &____ letters
FACEBOOK get most or your whole family on facebook
My perception on Facebook is that it is a wonderful site for sharing information with friends and family. It has its flaws but so does everything else. It's something that you must trust or you can't fully enjoy all of the features that it has. It's something good that can be misused. Its a website thats all
To distribute revenues to the proper people, and departments.
Do you play Family Feud on Facebook? Crazy, lol. Shirt collar! Mirror! Face! Bahaha.facelettercollarcupstrawpillow