I look on wikipedia and i don't believe it actually stands for anything.
what age? "robot" is a VERY generic term. they can range from Lego mindstorms (great for students around age 8) to robotic arms (great for students around age 19). likely you're looking for something like this: http://www.parallax.com/tabid/411/Default.aspx
Matt striker
The official brand of Lego is the LEGO Group.
Yes, they are different.
Vex robotics is a commercially available method of building robots... somewhat like lego mindstorms, only more advanced. you can purchase parts from vex such as motors, frame material, circuit boards, radio controls, sensors, etc. all of the parts are made to fit, which is helpful when building a robot. most of the parts are not as powerful or as efficient as other motors out there, and most of the parts are more expensive. however, as i said before, construction is a lot more simple
Lego Mindstorms NXT was created in 2006.
Lego Mindstorms is the series Mindstorms NXT or Nxt 1.0 is in that Lego series it is not the latest version the latest is the Mindstorms 2.0
Lego Mindstorm NXT 2.0 is, because it can do so many new features that the last one couldn't.
nxt log
Yes, the software will work with your 1.0 NXT. However, you will want to open the Lego Mindstorms NXT software and click Tools>Update NXT Firmware. Then open C:\Program Files\LEGO Software\LEGO MINDSTORMS Edu NXT\engine\Firmware and open the v. 1.28 firmware. Then it will work perfectly (you hope).
How do you download Lego mindstorms nxt software 1.0?In the Lego website it is impossible. I lost my Intallation CD, so I was looking in torrents sites finding the 1.1 version (my original is 1.0).Using VUZE and serching with "MINDSTORMS NXT" I find "MINDSTORMS NXT.ISO"Good Luck!
LEGO Mindstorms NXT is a programmable robotics kit released by LEGO in late July 2006
Type the coordinates into the mindstorms NXT panel.
The LEGO's mindstorms Nxt products have similar age recommendations to other Lego products, due to the possibility of ingesting pieces. The most appropriate minimum age is 10.
In 1994 something like it was invented then in 1998 the real NXT was invented
Target Walmart and various other online retailers
It is a Lego mindstorms product which is used for robotics . Targeted at children.