

Best Answer

Im self employed, and I have been working for a company and want to claim

descrimanation against my pregnancy

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Q: Im self employed and want to claim for discrimination against you being pregnant?
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How do Jews feel about discrimination?

No groups likes being discriminated against.

How does discrimination in the labor market affect the economy?

White people are less likely to employ black people if they are racist against them. Witch means not as many people are employed for labor, since blacks are being discriminated against. The cost goes up for labor since it would only be white people working. That's how discrimination can affect the labor market. Hope that helped!

Who was Martin Luther Kings greatest influence for civil rights?

being against discrimination

What can I do if I feel I being fired for discrimination.?

If you feel you have been discriminated against in the workplace you should contact an Employment Discrimination Attorney. If you live and work in California, visit the following website:

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One of the most well known and famous discrimination lawyers in the United states is Gloria Allred. She has devoted her career to representing those who are being discriminated against illegally.

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Racial discrimination and poverty were issues that encouraged Communist Party membership.

Why were gay Americans afraid to come out of the closet in the 1950s and early 1960s?

they feared being discriminated against.-apex

What type of discriminations are there?

Discrimination is essentially being prejudiced against due to some physical characteristic that differentiates you, or a personal belief or lifestyle. The main types of discrimination are: Gender Age Race Religion Sexual Orientation Disability

What does The Bible say on ethnic discrimination?

The Old Testament notoriously supports genocide against non-Jews, while in the New Testament there is a story about Jesus not being racist against a... Canaanite I think.

When did discrimination against women start?

It's been around for very long time, and no one can truly pin point a moment in time when altogether, women were discriminated against for being a woman.

What are the effects of discrimination on the family of the individual?

Just think about how you would feel if one of your family members were being discriminated against. Thats how I answered the question :)

The federal agency designed to protect African-American workers against discrimination was the?

There are none. The EEOC is designed to protect ALL workers against race ever being given weight in employment decisions.