Call your health care provider now if you are pregnant with stomach pain.
If you are at 36 weeks pregnant and having sharp vaginal pains, it could be caused by the cervix dilating. This can happen days or weeks prior to actual delivery.
If you are 27 weeks pregnant, spotting and having abdominal pain it means you need to call your doctor! While it may be nothing more than growing pains, it can also be early labor.
You will start to feel pains in your stomach if you dont start feeling pains you should go to a specialist.
yes!! i am 20 weeks pregnant ATM and have the same pain. they only last for a few moments and can be on either side of the lower stomach..... it shouldn't be anything to worry about but if the pains do become unbearable please see your doctor!! yes!! i am 20 weeks pregnant ATM and have the same pain. they only last for a few moments and can be on either side of the lower stomach..... it shouldn't be anything to worry about but if the pains do become unbearable please see your doctor!!
no it is not normal.
You need to go to the doctor. I wish you luck.
It may be normal, but you MUST check it out with your doctor -- call today!
stomach pains are expected throughout the whole of your pregnancy. There may be a week or 2 where you don't feel any pain. but then suddenly the other weeks are painful, but if there is no blood then you don't have to worry about it.
it might be heart burn
Yes it is.
Im 9wks2days lower back pain since 6wks, now stomach pains. Was told its normal, possibly round ligament pains or maybe simply gas lol.