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Drink as much water as possible. If you drink enough it will wash it out of your system unless you have an extremely high THC level. If you do nothing the THC will stay in your system for a month.

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Q: Im 5'7 and weigh 200lbs how can i naturally clean 4 hits of marijuana from my system fast and around how long will it stay?
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Will vinegar get rid of marijuana in your system?

No, vinegar will not remove marijuana from your system. The best way to eliminate marijuana from your body is to allow time for it to naturally metabolize and leave your system. Staying hydrated, eating a healthy diet, and exercising can also help speed up the process.

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No, niacin will not help to clear marijuana from your system. The only way to remove marijuana from your system is through time as it metabolizes naturally. niacin is not an effective method for clearing drug metabolites from your system.

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No, vinegar does not help to remove marijuana from your system. The best way to clear marijuana from your system is to allow your body time to naturally metabolize and eliminate it. Staying hydrated, exercising, and eating a healthy diet can help speed up this process.

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There is no scientific evidence to suggest that cream of tartar can help to cleanse marijuana from your system. The best way to clean marijuana out of your system is to abstain from using it and give your body time to naturally detoxify. Staying hydrated and exercising regularly may also help.

Does anything help to get marijuana out of your system fast?

Drinking plenty of water, exercising, and eating a healthy diet can help accelerate the process of eliminating marijuana from your system. There are also detox products available that claim to help cleanse your system, but their effectiveness is not scientifically proven. Ultimately, the best way to remove marijuana from your system is to allow time for your body to naturally metabolize and eliminate it.

How long will second hand marijuana stay in the system?

Around 2 or 3 months

Is there a way to get marijuana out of your system faster?

Staying hydrated, exercising, and eating a healthy diet can help your body metabolize marijuana faster. However, the most effective way to ensure it's out of your system is to stop using it and allow time for your body to eliminate it naturally.

How long can 3 puff of marijuana stay in your system?

Marijuana stays in your system for about 48 hours. A few puffs will just give you a little buzz, but just because you don't feel high for very long, it doesn't mean it will leave your system faster.

Why is it so hard to quit smokin weed?

Marijuana stimulates the reward system in your brain, which releases the "feel good" chemical, dopamine. Having been rewarded repeated by the marijuana your body comes to expect it, making it depressing not to have dopamine in your system regularly. Exercise is a good way to get dopamine naturally.

How can you get marijuana out of your system?

Drinking plenty of water, exercising, and eating a healthy diet can help speed up the body's natural detoxification process to eliminate marijuana from your system. It's also important to avoid using marijuana in the meantime to prevent any further build-up in your system. However, the most effective way to remove marijuana from your system is to simply allow enough time for it to naturally metabolize and exit your body.

How do you get marjauana out your system?

The best way to remove marijuana from your system is by allowing time for it to naturally metabolize and leave your body. Staying hydrated, eating a healthy diet, and exercising can help speed up the process. Avoiding further marijuana use is also important to prevent any additional buildup in your system.