Attraction is natural, and it's ok. But keep yourself together! Act like a gentleman, keep your eyes (and hands!) to yourself.
yes some people might find it creepy but go for it
Dating is legal but sex is not. Whether it s OK for you to be a couple or not is up to your parents.
that is ok and yes you are attracted to her . you sould tell your dad or it could get out of hand.
It's ok to be attracted in a family kind of way
Won Ok-Im was born in 1986.
Your parents are insane.
Yes it is normal to be attracted to your sister just be careful
yeah that's fine:) it's completely natural to feel that way!!! don't worry!!!!!
Im ok
you are 18 not 15 so you should date someone that young & they do have laws on these kinds of things but its not that serious.
no im ok