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No.It doesn't neccessarily mean he likes you.There are other signs,If he keeps on looking at you-If he blushes when you talk or atleast smiles.If he keeps on smiling whenever he sees you.Agreeing with you with everything and helping you could also mean he's just a very good friend and wants to make you happy.Or maybe,He does really agree with you!. Actually,Predictions of anybody liking you are not always correct.So,I suggest,if you like him or are really curious to know,you should ask him.Straight foward.=)

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Not necessarily. People can agree with others for various reasons, such as wanting to avoid conflict or simply because they share the same views. It's important to consider other aspects of the friendship and communication to determine if there are romantic feelings involved.

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Q: If your guy friend always agrees with you does that mean he likes you?
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If your guy friend always agrees with you and wants to work study and hang out with you does that mean he likes you even though he has a girlfriend?

It's possible that your guy friend values your friendship and enjoys spending time with you, but it's important to consider his relationship boundaries with his girlfriend. It's possible he may have feelings for you, but communication is key in navigating any potential emotional complexities.

My friend is always messing around with me he draws on me he kicks me under the table and is always laughing with me. Does this mean he likes me?

It's possible that your friend likes you if they are engaging in playful physical contact and laughing with you frequently. However, it's important to communicate directly with your friend to understand their intentions and make sure both of you are comfortable with the dynamic of your relationship.

What if your cute guy friend always teases you and hits you playfully he says he does it to you because he can't do it to his gf does he like you what does he mean?

It's possible that your guy friend likes you and expresses it through teasing and playfulness. By saying he can't do it with his girlfriend, he might be hinting at having different dynamics with her versus you. To clarify his intentions, consider having an open conversation with him about his behavior and how it makes you feel.

If a guy is always bragging about himself and always teases you but has a girlfriend does that mean he likes you?

Not necessarily. His behavior could stem from seeking validation or attention. If he is in a relationship, it's important to respect that boundary and communicate openly about your discomfort. Pay attention to how he treats you overall to gauge his intentions.

What does it mean when a boy always mess with you?

It probably means that he likes you, but for some reason doesn't want to tell you. It might be that he's shy, trying to act cool, or simply that he likes messing with you. But no matter what the reason is, it means he likes you.

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If he is always being mean to you or wanring to han

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He likes you or he thinks your a really good friend :-)

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it doesn't always mean that the boy likes you. it can also mean that he feels sorry for you and is only a friend. but most likely, its probably that he likes you.

what does it mean when a girl agrees with everything you say?

She likes you(a lot)

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Maybe he likes her.

What does it mean if a guy is always talking about you to his friend's?

It means that he possibly likes you. Good luck :)

If a girl agrees his lover to sleep on her and agrees to kiss her lips what does it mean?

That she likes him. It's not necessarily a invite to sex.

What if her friend says that her friend likes you does that mean she likes you?

Ask her.

When a boy always expects you to hug him does that mean he likes you and he says hi and your name to you mostly everyday?

no it means he likes u as a friend

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it means that she thinks that you like her and she likes you to

I like my friend. I hang with his mom does this mean he likes me?

No not always sometimes it mean that yall 2 are real good friends

What does it mean if a guy Friend is always calling you and wants to hang out?

Well it doesn't always means that he likes you because I know that's what your thinking! It could mean that he might just want to hang out! BUT yes it could mean that he likes you!