Approximate date of conception is October 3rd 2009. Estimated due date Saturday June 26th 2010.
Based on you're due date you most likely conceived april, 13 2009. If you had an early ultrasound in you're first trimester then you're due date is pretty accurate.
Nov. 12th
Roughly February 27th
its the 28th and 9 on Sept 28th 09
I've got the same cardboard but i think it's a fake. Shame...
June 19th 2010? Your rough conception date would be September 25th 2009, give or take a few days. However, it is very difficult to accurately say when conception occured. Therefore, I suggest speaking to your doctor, midwife or obstetrician about it because they can give you a better idea.
That sounds like what I am going through. Took a pregnancy test yesterday and found out I was pregnant. EXACT story but I am 26. Good Luck!
Approximately Saturday, October 27, 2007.
The date that you were given at the clinic is based on the date that you told them your last period started on. They then add 40 weeks or 280 days to that date to get your due date. The ultrasound date is based on the size of the fetus and certain developmental milestones that they were able to observe during the ultrasound. Unless you are absolutely certain of the date that you conceived (if you are add 266 days to that date) your actual due date is most likely somewhere between the 30th of September and the 19th of october. There will most likely be another ultasound later in your pregnancy and they may fine tune your due date then based on the size and development of the baby, but since all babies are different this can't be considered the definite day either. I think the percentage of women who deliver on their due date is only about 5 percent or less, so the only thing you can be relatively sure of is that you will be a mommy before Halloween.