Why would you want to? Be who you are. If you're atheist accept you were born the way you are and if you're religious accept G-d made you that way for a reason.
You tell her to stop.
there is no legal age to be a lesbian. its your choice if that's the way you want to go. no one can stop you.
No, mary j. blige was never a lesbian. stop believing rumors. okay.
You don't. Sexual orientation cannot be changed.
Don't try and stop it lesbians are good!
It depends if you have tea people magazine well you should stop because they lie she is just a woman an if she is lesbian it's none of your buisness say you were lesbian or gay would you like it of people were asking you about it? And no she is not.
If you really want to discontinue being a lesbian. Seek a bible built church. Ask God to remove that homosexual spirit out of you and you can stop calling your lesbian friends make new friends who are not into that
Even if she is a lesbian is it a crime? We should be very careful how we judge others. Adulterers, fornicators, witches, gossips etc. are not been preached about. How come it is always homosexuals. To me being a lesbian is not a sin, but if you are please stick to one partner to stop the spread of HIV-Aides.
AnswerTell her you like men only - not women. If that doesn't work, tell her she is repulsive. That ought to do it.
you should go out with a guy
If you are a lesbian, nothing can make you "not a lesbian."
As long as your friend has just been a good friend to you and has not tried to entice you into a lesbian relationship then her sexual preference should not stop you from being friends. Being best friends means you stand up for each other so if you are afraid that being with your best friend who is a lesbian may rub off on you (a myth) or that your other friends may think you are a lesbian because you hang out with her then stand strong and don't let a good friend get away because of their sexual preference. If you are not sure they are a lesbian then continue on with the friendship and stop guessing as to whether she is a lesbian or not. Society has a bad habit of labeling people with the wrong label. Example: Your best friend hangs out with only women and you don't see her date. This does not necessarily mean she is a lesbian, but could simply be shy or is not ready to date because she hasn't found the right person.