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Yes, because dating has never been the subject of any laws. Sexual activity has specific laws that vary around the world. Being 18 means there isn't going to be an issue in any place in the world. Going below the age of 18 could be a real problem, it could even be criminal.

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Q: If your 18 can you date any age?
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Can a 16 old date a 20 old?

only if your 18 under then you can date any age you want

Is it illegal for a 18 year old to be with a 29 year old?

No, once you're 18 you can date anyone at any age

Are there laws on what age to date?

Countries do not legislate such things.

What is the legal age for males to date?

It is legal for a male of any age to date a woman. However, you must be 18 to get married. Unless the parents of both the families sign and agree it is ok

At 18 you can date someone no matter what age aslong as they are older than you?

You can date anyone of any age, however if you have sex with them and they are under 16, you could be put on the sex offenders register.

What is the youngest age Andy would date?

18 years old. Any thing under that would be illegal.

In the state of Illinois how old do you have to be in order to date someone over the age of 18?

18. The age of consent is 18 in all states. Until you reach 18 you are a minor and if you date someone 18 or over they can be charged with rape.

What is the legal age of a minor to date someone older then 18 in Delaware?

18 when you are an adult

Is it illegal for a 18 year old to date a 31 year old in idiana?

If you are 18 you are a legal adult. You may date anyone over the age of 18 that will have you.

What is the legal age to date an adult?

18 years old.

When is someone considered legal in Arkansas and can date anyone at any age without anybody getting in trouble?

16 18 is the legal age in arkansas. if your 16 and the other person is 18 or older ,then the older person can get in trouble if the law finds out. but 18 is legal.

Can a 25 years old man date a 17 years old to be 18 in 2 weeks?

It is legal to date, there are no laws about what age you have to be to date in any state. There are laws about sexual activity depending on the state. In most places you have to be at least 16 to consent, if not 17 or 18.