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12. Treble, single and double 12.

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Q: If you were playing darts and got a shanghai score of 72 with 3 darts which number have you scored on?
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If you were playing darts and got a 'Shanghai' score of 72 with 3 darts which number have you scored on?


What is a score of shanghai in darts?

A shanghai is a single, a double, and a triple of the same number in one throw of three darts.

How much is a bullseye in pounds?

A bull's eye is slang for £50 (like the number of points scored in darts for the bull's eye)

What is the smallest number that cannot be scored with 2 darts on a standard dart board not including 0 or 1?

It's 103

How are the averages worked out in the game of darts?

An average in darts is simply worked out by : points scored (divided by) darts thrown. This is used for a whole game, so say in one leg you checked out, you would have scored 501 points, but if you lost a leg and were still on 101 you would only have scored 400 points.

What is the smallest number that cannot be scored with 2 darts on a standard dart board?

I am not sure but i think it is 1 or 0 1/0

What is the 2 basic equipment in playing darts?

dart board and darts

What is a shanghai in darts?

Shanghai refers to a check out using the treble, single and then double of the same number. It is mostly used for a 120 check out, treble 20, single 20 then double 20. The single and treble can be in any order, but the double must be the last dart.

What do you stand on when playing darts?

The Oche.

In the game of darts why is the word 'shanghai' associated with a single treble double finish?

Shanghai has to do with a nautical slang term that means to render someone insensible. Achieving a Shanghai in a game, or single, double, and treble finish, effectively throws others out of the game.

What is the average number of darts to win a leg?

the average is about 12-15 darts the best is 9 darts

What is the standard in a game of darts?

A standard game of darts is 501 (double out) the length of matches is determined by what you are playing in.