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Q: If you take a pregnancy test five months pregnant will it still show up positive?
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If pregnant on the pill will your test be negative?

No pregnancy is pregnancy and it doesn't matter if you were on the pill at the time. It will still show positive if you were pregnant.

Can you have a positive pregnancy test then a negative pregnancy test and light period and still be pregnant?


Can you be pregnant for a month and a pregnancy test still show up negative?

If you are four weeks pregnant you will have enough hCH to have a positive pregnancy test.

Can you still be pregnant if you had a period but your pregnancy test was positive?

Yes, some women actually do have their periods during the first few months of pregnancy. Usually, however, these cycles are lighter and shorter than normal.

How do you know if you're pregnant if you have your period?

A pregnancy test would still be positive even if you were still getting your period

Will HTP show negative when you are three months pregnant?

An HTP should still be positive at 3 months

If your on the contraceptive patch and bleeding could you still be pregnant if you have all the other signs?

The signs of pregnancy are a missed period and/or positive pregnancy test. Take a pregnancy test to see if you're pregnant.

Can you still be pregnant if you are two months late and you took a home test but the result is not pregnant?

A home pregnancy test is most likely to be accurate if it is positive meaning if you had a negative test you should be monitoring if you could be pregnant. You could have taken the home test too early to detect pregnancy. The best thing to do is to go to the doctor and get a test done there to rule out pregnancy.

You had a period but Im still pregnant?

not possible, you either get your periods or you are pregnant (you don't get periods anymore through out pregnancy)

After a miscarriage and home test is still positive is it possible that you are still pregnant?

Wait a few weeks to take a pregnancy test after a miscarriage. It will take a while for the pregnancy hormone to get out of your system, so a test will show up positive even if you are not pregnant. Hope this helps. And I am sorry for your loss.

Can you have a positive pregnancy test and a month later have a negetive and still fell pregnant and be pregnant?

Go to a certified doctor if you really want to know...

If you have a positive pregnancy test is it possible to still have the hcg hormone in your system from your last pregnancy if your baby is 5 months old?

In most cases, a positive pregnancy test 5 months after a birth represents a new pregnancy. There is a rare condition called gestational trophoblastic disease that rarely occurs after a normal pregnancy that can cause a persistent positive test. This condition is very rare. If you have a positive pregnancy test, you should go see your doctor to confirm the status of pregnancy. A positive pregnancy test 5 months after birth is not normal and represents a new pregnancy or a problem of some kind.