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You could be pregnant, or your period could be a little late. A negative pregnancy tests suggests you're not pregnant. A 34 day cycle isn't that unusual when a woman isn't on Birth Control. Repeat the test in a week if you still haven't gotten your period. If you're trying to get pregnant, be sure to take folic acid. If you don't want to get pregnant, restart the pill or use some other kind of birth control.

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Q: If you stopped taking your birth control pills in early January had a normal period in January and February but now you are 6 days late in March you took 2 hpt both neg could you be pregnant?
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You stopped taking birth control in December your period came like clock work In January and February your period was early But march your period is late Is this normal?

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When are women on birth control most prone to getting pregnant?

The purpose of a birth control pill is not to get pregnant, so they are not "prone" to getting pregnant. To get pregnant the pill has to be stopped.

You stopped taking your birth control and spottedcould you b pregnant?

Yes, unprotected sex can get you pregnant.

Can you get pregnant if you stopped your birth control pills and spotted for 3 weeks?

Yes, if you stop the birth control you can get pregnant, whether or not you're bleeding.

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Yes you can become pregnant a week after you have stopped taking birth control pills.

If you stopped taking you birth control before the pack was done how long until you get a regular period?

I have been on birth control for 7yrs, and i stopped taking it the end of September. But when i stopped taking it i didn't finish the pack. I am trying to get pregnant. I am concerned that i cant get pregnant and that i should have finished the pack first. I am concerned that i might not be able to get pregnant because i took birth control for 7yrs.

Can you get pregnant if you didn't have any sex and you have stopped taking birth control pills for over a month?

If you did not have sex, their is no possible way for you to be pregnant. If you had sex, and then stopped taking the birth control pills then you may be in trouble. If what I understand is true, you are definetely not pregnant if you haven't had sex. Maybe get tested to be sure?

Can I be pregnant if I had my period in February and March but started spotting for 2 days in April and then it stopped?

Yes. Take a test

You stopped birth control and was still bleeding and had sexCould you be pregnant?

that is very possible. It can happen although it is rare

Can you be pregnant if you stopped taking your birth control pills a month and a half ago?

Yes it is possible, take a test!

Ive bean taken the pill for a year stopped taken them to get pregnant how long do you rekon it will take to get pregnant?

85% of couples using no birth control get pregnant in the first 12 months. The percentage is the same for couples who have used birth control pills, and couples who have not.

If You stopped taking your birth control pills about 3 days ago and have a horrible headache are you pregnant?

No, you are not pregnant it is your body getting used to your birth control getting out of your system, but you can find out for sure about pregnancy by taking a test to be sure, but more than likely you are not pregnant.