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NO ... once your capillaries in your lips pop that's it ... they do not regenerate ...

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Q: If you quite smoking weed would your lips lighting back up?
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the stage lighting would come from candles

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C. back lighting. Back lighting may create glare and shadows that can obscure texture or details in bright areas because it illuminates the subject from behind, often causing the texture to be less visible due to the strong contrast between light and shadow.

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They are actually quite similar. LED televisions are actually just LCD televisions that use LED lighting for the back light instead of the traditional fluorescent CFL lighting.

Can you smoke marijuana while cleansing?

No! That would be pointless. You would be putting THC back into your system, while tying to get it out. Quit smoking pot!

What types of outdoor lighting are available?

There are 5 types of outdoor lighting available.They are: path lights, flood lights, accent, back light and specialty lights. Whether used as security or the accent a deck or driveway will determine what type of lighting would be suitable.

Is a life insurance policy valid is taken out as a nonsmoker then resume back to smoking?

It usually would be invalid. Smoking is generally a clause for acceptance of the insurance. A smoker would pay higher rates for the insurance. So claiming to be a nonsmoker to get insurance and then smoking would be a type of fraud. Thus negating the policy and forfeiting all premiums payed.

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Front lighting.. back lighting.. cross lighting and down lighting are all terms used to describe?

Short answer: Angle. Let us assume we are illuminating a human on a theater stage. Front lighting are the fixtures that point to the front side of the human when they are standing towards the audience. Back lighting is the opposite. That means the light fixtures which are pointing to the back of the human. Cross lighting is when two, or more, lighting fixtures point at the human from varying places. For example, if there's both, front light and back light, those can be considered as cross lighting. Also, to illuminate the front side of a human completely, you usually need at least two lighting fixtures for that, one slightly to the left and one slightly to the right side of the human. This is also called cross lighting. Down lighting is light coming from up (ceiling) and going down. This is as opposed to up lighting, which is when a light fixture is on the floor, pointing upwards. Generally, most of theatrical lighting comes from up, thus being down lighting, but for a special effect, down lighting can be used too.

What is contraluz?

1) a musical group 2) a Mexican or Australian opal with a luminescent quality when back-lit 3) a book title (Contra Luz) meaning "Back Lighting" 4) Given the forum in which you posed the question, I would offer that you mean the use of back lighting in photography, or more loosely, a photograph that uses the technique.