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It's a myth. I just read that same thing online and decided to try it as I am trying to conceive. It instantly foamed up. So to test the theory, I had my husband do it too to see what happened. It also foamed up and clearly he is not pregnant. Also, don't try it because it is also a chemical reaction with the amonia in your urine and we just almost killed ourselves with the fumes it emitted.

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Q: If you mix female urine with bleach and it foams does it mean she is pregnant?
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How does bleach react to pregnant pee?

Same as with urine from a non-pregnant person. There's a myth going around that you can test of you are pregnant this way but that is not true.

Can you do at home test with bleach and urine to find out if you're pregnant?

Of course not - it's not that simple ! Get a doctor to perform a proper test.

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If you mean would bleach remove heroin from a urine sample the short answer is no heroin is a drug not a bacteria or virus if bleach was added to urine it would definitely not take the heroin out of the urine if it were present.

You have pus cells in urine numerously can you get pregnant?

Yes, you can get pregnant (provided you are a female ;) ). You might as well consider seeing a doctor. Numerously pus cells in urine is indicative of urinary tract infection.

Is urine mix with bleach toxic?

Bleach alone is toxic. So mixing it with urine, might dilute it if anything

How do you know about pregnancy in urine test in lab?

When a human female is pregnant, she starts to generate a hormone called hCG (human choriogonadotropin). It is specific to a pregnant female as it is made in the placenta, and it is excreted in the urine. Most labs will run an hCG test on all urine samples as part of the standard urinalysis.

Is their sperm in urine naturally as in if a male urinates in the toilet and doesn't flush and a female uses it and the urine splases up can she get pregnant?

No, normal urine does not contain sperm. If there was sperm in the toilet then it would still be impossible for the woman to get pregnant in this way as humans require internal fertilisation

Can a man use a female's urine for drug screenings?

working in a urinalysis lab for the last 10 years i know that there is no way to tell male urine from female urine unless she is on hormone treatments or she is pregnant. thank you. good luck - - - - - There's a very simple way to tell the difference: shake the bottle. Male urine foams up when you do. Female urine does not. Some labs do it, some don't. There are also epithelial cells in urine, and there's DNA in them. Very expensive to look for that, though.

How do you get rid of urine asmell?

Bleach & water.

If you bleach your urine well it be clean?


Does bleach work to pass a etg?

People do not normally have bleach in their urine. You think they might suspect? Fudging a test is the same as dropping a dirty urine.

Can a female use male urine to pass a urine pregnancy test?

A urine pregnancy test tests for the "preg hormone" in the urine, which is at a higher level when a woman is pregnant. However, I'm not sure what you're trying to accomplish; a pregnancy test isn't a "Pass/Fail" scenario; it tells you if you're pregnant or not. Male urine on a pregnancy test should test negative.