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just because you miss your period, it doesn't mean you're pregnant. it's normal to miss one period or even two. the best thing to do is to go to a clinic to get a sensitive pregnancy test.

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Q: If you miss a period does that mean you are pregnant for sure?
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Can a girl release two eggs and miss her next period?

Sure, if she get pregnant.

You have all the symptoms of a pregnancy but didn't miss your period yet are you pregnant?

Not may or may not be pregnant :] It depends on when you miss your period.... Just to be sure, and safe, see your doctor immediately, and talk to your parents, they can help you!!

What happens when you miss a period?

There could be a possibility of being pregnant. Your period can also just be late or irregular. To be sure take a pregnancy test.

What happens if a girl miss her pie rd?

Not sure what a pie rd is...but if she misses her period, it probably means she's pregnant.

You are only 14 and you are not sure if you are pregnant You and your boyfriend have been doing stuff together like near to sex how would you know you are pregnant?

Miss your period or pregnancy tests.

If you worry that you are pregnant can you miss your period?

Actually, yes. Stress can cause your period to come late. If you are really worried, try a cheap pregnancy test. That will tell you for sure if you are or not.

Can you get pregnant before you get your period after you stop taking the shot?

Yes, there is a high chance. Once you miss your appointment for the next shot , over the next twenty four hours it is no longer effective . Even if your period is coming soon, its rare but you can be pregnant & on your period. good luck :)

Can you get pregnant right after vaginal infertility?

If you are infertile you can not get pregnant and I'm not sure what you mean by vaginal infertility. When you have your period you can get pregnant too although it is rare.

Dont you have to miss a period to be pregnant?

not nessecarily you can have a light or spotting like period for the first due period. in very rare cases you can get a light period for a few mounths or for the full pregnancy!!! if you you think you may be pregnant and have had a light period and other signs just take a test to be sure.

Does missing a period mean your pregnant?

Most of the time yes. But you should take a test to be sure. Bodies aren't clockwork, and can miss/delay a period for any number of reasons. One missed period is not a certain sign of pregnancy. If you think you might be, get tested and find out. OTC tests are quite reliable.Of course, it doesn't necessarily mean you are pregnant. Some missed periods are due to stress, health problems, irregular period or pregnancy. If you miss a period it could be that you are pregnant but it can also be a hormonal imbalance. basically something changed in your hormones that made you miss your period. But I recommend getting a test. You can go to a clinic since they likely give free tests.

How can i tell if i am pregnant now if i dont start for another 3 wks?

well that would mean you were only a week pregnant and theres really no way to tell that takes 7-10 days for impantation to occur so if your pregnant there would no way of knowing for sure until you miss your period..

Could you be pregnant if you were two weeks late and then got your period for two days?

Yes, you could be pregnant. Whenever you miss a period you should talk to your doctor or take a home pregnancy test to be sure. The two days that you had your period could be implantation bleeding, which means that you are pregnant and the baby is implanting into your uterus which can cause the bleeding you might have mistaken for your period. If you are unsure take a home pregnancy test, if it comes back negative then you are probably not pregnant, but if you miss another period you should talk to your doctor and get a blood test, which is more accurate than a hpt, just to be on the safe side.