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well it depends do u like ur bf more or do like the other boy iv been in this situation with my best friend im 14 now and me n him are going out but that meant breaking up with my old bf soooooooo if u like ur bf and dont like the otha boy then tell him break it easy to him thts wat i tried to do but me n him ended up snogging on the sofa lol so it all depends on how u feel if u like him more than ur bf break up wiv ur bf it worked with me x x x x x hope i helped huni x x x x x

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Q: If you have got a boyfriend but another boy likes you?
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What will you do if you have a boyfriend but you like a boy who likes you also?

You just have to be honest with your boyfriend and let him know that you just don't feel the same any more, and also tell him that you have got feelings for someone else who also likes you back, and tell him that you don't feel that the relationship will work if you are experiencing feelings for another boy. :)

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The boy best friend. Coz u already got ur boyfriend. But ur best find likes u and always wants to prove he is better than ur one and its natural.

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Just be honest, if you have got a boyfriend then tell him you have, if you haven't got a boyfriend then tell you haven't got a boyfriend :)

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try make converation with him, maybe he likes you too. # if you have a boyfriend # tell the boy who talk to you and well i # i ment if he ask you if you wont to go on a date # tell him no that u got a boyfriend # a call him a pig # i have had 90 boyfriend in 10years i no what theyer like

What do you do when a boy you like has someone he likes?

Just move on, I've had this done to me before, but if he bends over next to you, kiss him then, trust me, I have a boyfriend and that is how I got mine.

What if a girl says she likes you but doesnt want a boyfriend?

This usually means that she just got out of a relationship and isn't ready to start another and maybe she likes being single for a change. Just give her time and sooner or later she will be ready to have a boyfriend

If a boy likes you then you got glasses and you couldn't get contacts would the boy change his mind about you?

no if he truly likes you then no

Why don't I got a boyfriend?

because you have not asked a boy to be your boyfriend sooo go ask one

How do you ask out a boy who is your friend and you don't know if he likes you?

If you like him act sweet and nice but if he is nice back he thinks you are nice if he is mean he thinks you are frineds but if he has feelings for you ask him out this is how I got my boyfriend.

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Listen to your heart.

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she likes the talent he got

If a boy get jealous of you talking to another boy does that mean he likes you?

Are you saying that the other boy likes you? If he does, that probably means he's jealous, or that he's just curious. Either way, you can try to find out if that 'other' boy likes you as well. And you will probably have to pick from both of them or neither. :( Ive done that to a girl before, and yes, i was slightly Jealous. I mainly did it though because I myself was thinking of asking her out, and then when i found out she got a boyfriend, I got jealous of it.