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the woman goes to the hospital and has her stomach open by an operation and they take it out.

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Q: If you have a miscarriage where does the baby go?
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Can you have a miscarriage with out bleeding?

Yes you can that's why you always go for a scan to see how your baby is doing.. you have to be carefull lots of things can happen while having a miscarriage...

What should you do to have a miscarriages?

you should go get an abortion if you want to kil the baby. dont do dumb stuff to have a miscarriage.

Did Beyoncé kill her first baby?

She had a miscarriage, which can happen to anyone, she didn't kill the baby.

How do doctors get a baby out your stomach from a miscarriage?

If the fetus hasn't already come out they have to go in and scrape it out, like in a abortion. They go in through the vagina.

Do you bleed the baby out when you have a miscarriage?

Yes, you do

Is that miscarriage blood after a miscarriage or your period?

The bleeding you experience during a miscarriage is notyour period. It is bleeding due to losing the baby.

How you have a miscarriage?

Most are caused by a defect in the baby.

What happens to the baby if its still alive after a miscarriage?

Usually a miscarriage happens because the baby passed away, before any cramping or bleeding started.

Can you have a miscarriage at twenty three weeks?

Yes. You can have a miscarriage at any stage during pregnancy. However there is a cut off where the baby becomes classed as a 'baby' (if you will) once this stage is passed a miscarriage is classed as still birth.

What are the chances of miscarriage at 11 weeks?

i had a miscarriage at 12 weeks, i couldn't go to work just resting at home due to my morning sickness and i still lost my baby so it can happen at anytime to anyone.

Abortions occur when the body expels the baby through a miscarriage?

A miscarriage is also called a natural abortion so it's the same thing. And the fetus doesn't always come out by itself. You have to go to a doctor and have a checkup and if it's not out he has to scrape the uterus. A induced abortion is when you use medicine or surgery to end the pregnancy.

Can a baby fall out during a miscarriage?

yes i had a miscarriage at 6weeks pregnant and when i used the bathroom one morning my baby fell out :( then my period started i had major pain before that baby fell out.