Dear Reader; This is a question which raises questions to be asked by your health care provider. One of them is what are you doing that you would be that stressed? Another is have you been using BC or other meds like that. Yet another is have you made any changes in daily activity or diet? If you are in a relationship where you are being stressed and taken advantage of, get some courage and get away from it. Dwight
There is no need to be worried at the present time because 13 year olds who are a virgin can miss menstrual periods from playing sports; stress; or even having the flu. However, if it lasts for three weeks you should have your mother take you to the doctor just to be sure there is nothing wrong.
well sooner or later the stress will build up and cause a major earthquake
acne not only cause damage to the skin but also kills one's self confidence,it is a major cause of psychological stress for many teenagers and adolescents,acne requires long term treatment and even after healing it leaves behind deep scars which is another big problem later
Lemon law? If it is a reputable dealer should have no problem
The major principal stress is the maximum normal stress occurring in an element, and the minor principal stress is the minimum normal stress in the element. Principal stresses act on the principal planes which are perpendicular to each other. Shear stresses are zero on the principal planes.
I HAVE THE SAME PROBLEM! Did you ever find out what causes it?
The Vietnam War was a major problem and the continued draft.
The major problem of Haiti is electricity, hospital and road.
In the absence of treatment the isolation period is 3- 6 weeks NOT months.In the presence of treatment it is only 5 days from initiation of treatment.The major problem is its communacability and it leads to failure to thrive.
In the word conservation, there is a minor stress on con, and a major stress on va.
pain and love
Childhood obesity is a major problem whether the media shows it or not. Being overweight as a child leads to serious health problems and being overweight later on in life as well.