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not really (a couple of weekz)

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Q: If you get your learners permit over 21 in MN do you have to wait to get a license?
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If over sixteen how long do you have to wait after getting your learners permit do you have to wait to get your actual driver's license in Georgia?

usa wide you can get ur learners permit at 15 1/2 so go get it

How long do you have to wait after getting your driving permit to get your driving license?

in most states you have to wait 6 months after you get your learners permit to get your license.

How much is insurance if you have your learners permit?

I would wait til you get your license.

Can you get auto insurance with a learners permit in Texas?

It is best to wait til you have your drivers license, I would check with your agent but you should be covered with the learners permit.

What happends if you get a DWI with a learners permit?

You lose your learner's permit and it will mean a much longer time before you can get a license. If you are not yet 18 you have to wait until you are 18 to reapply.

If 18 in Maryland how long do you have to wait to get your Provisional license?

As of right now you have to be 15 and 9 months to get your learners permit. After you have Learners for 6 months you can get your provisional. So the earliest that you can get your provisional is 16 and 3 months.

If you get a ticket on your permit how long do you have to wait to get your license?

I know in Illinois if you get a ticket on your permit you have to redo all the months.

How long do you have to have your learners permit before you can get your license in Alberta Canada?

last time i check it was a year and a half. actually it is 1 year but if you get it when you are 14 you have to wait till your 16 to get it so the minimum time you can have our learners for is 1 year 12 months

In the state of North Carolina when you get your learners permit taken away due to bad grades how do you get it renewed and how long do you have to wait until you are able to get your license?

you have to wait 30 week days . and you must go to the school to get a renew form

When you get your permit do you have to wait until 6 months before getting your junior license?

The rules are generally you have to have drivena certain amount of hours with an "experienced and licensed driver"so basically drive the required amount of hours with a driver over 18, who has had their license for over 2 years,and is authorized by your parents(if not one of your parents)and have your permit for the specified number of months (if there is one), and then you can get your Probationary license.

If you are 17 how long do you have to have your learners license?

I think until 12:00Added: Question such as these cannot usually be answered specifically. It ALWAYS depend on the state in question and the type of license the driver is operating under.

How old do have to be to get your learners permit in Georgia?

15, but then you got to wait 12 months to get the full