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You really need to see a doctor and find out what is going on. I am not a doctor, but I've had a lot of experience with situations like yours myself. I really don't think you are pregnant, but you could have some kind of infection. I don't mean STDs, but maybe a yeast infection or a urinary tract infection or something like that. If you don't have a regular doctor, the doctors at Planned Parenthood can diagnose you and usually they can give you medicine right there in the office and you don't even have to go to the pharmacy. This probably isn't a big deal at all, but if you don't get it taken care of it could get serious and probably quite painful.

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Q: If you get you period twice in 1 month 2 weeks late the next and having spotting 3 days later it starts brown then red andIm feeling very sick and get negative test results can you still be pregnant?
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Could you be pregnant if the tests were negative and feeling flutters but havn't had a period Due to breastfeeding?

You should go to your doctor and ask for a blood test to see if you are pregnant or not. Maybe you are pregnant and your hcg is low that's why the hpt tells you negative results.

Negative blood results and negative hpt?

This means you're definitely not pregnant.

Is it possible to be pregnant and have negative test results?


What do you mean by repeatedly negative pregnancy results?

What is meant by repeatedly negative pregnancy results is that the person is not pregnant. The person is not going to have a child at this time.

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Amy Pond is and isn't pregnant. The Tardis scanner gave positive and negative results.

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Not necessarily, however the following symptoms might be the only signs of telling you whether or not you might be pregnant. Who knows, you could just have quite an upset stomach. missed menstrual period nausea extreme fatigue frequent urination tender breasts headache heartburn constipation spotting feeling faint Its normally the other way around.

You are on implanon birth control you havent felt like you and you have spotting for two days and a brownish discharge and felt flutters in your stomach could you be pregnant?

Take a pregnancy test to determine if you're pregnant while on the contraceptve implant. The implant does not affect the results of a pregnancy test. Pregnancy is very rare on the contraceptive implant and spotting and flutters are not signs of pregnancy.

What is the percentage of women who are pregnant with false negative test results?

If you took a pregnancy test too early, you could have a false negative. There are seldom false positive's though.

Why do you get negative pregnancy test results when your period is 10 days late?

maybe your pregnant, maybe your period cycle is changing

You took a pregnancy test this morning the line was very strong for negative and very weak for positive are you pregnant?

It probably means your not pregnant. Although you should take another test to calculate better results.

Feeling movements but home pregnancy test in negative?

There are several things that can contribute to a negative pregnancy test even if you are pregnant. Some medications can give you a false negative, the timing of the test can affect the results. If you did not follow directions properly; if you let the test sit for too long the results may read negative after a while. It is important to read the results within the amount of time given on the instructions of that particular pregnancy test you bought. To ensure the best results: * Take the test in the morning, if possible, because your hCG (pregnancy hormone) levels are at it's highest * Don't drink a bunch of fluids before taking the test because it will dilute your urine and can affect the results * Take the test no more than 1-2 days before expected period. Although some test say that you can see results up to 5 days before your missed period, the percentage of accuracy is very low. * urinate for as long as possible on the foam-like strip * wait for the results! Here is a link that will help you figure the probability of you being pregnant:

Are there other more serious causes of a false negative pregnancy test?

There are several things that can contribute to a negative pregnancy test even if you are pregnant. Some medications can give you a false negative, the timing of the test can affect the results. If you did not follow directions properly; if you let the test sit for too long the results may read negative after a while. It is important to read the results within the amount of time given on the instructions of that particular pregnancy test you bought