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Each time I got pregnant with my girls, 3 times, I knew I was pregnant cuz the smoke made me sick. When I got pregnant with my son I didn't get sick at all. So for me it was a sighn for being pregnant with a girl.

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No. It means that you've ingested too much nicotine and you need to take a break.

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Q: Im a smoker and cigarette smoke is starting to make me sick is this a sign of pregnancy?
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What is a trained smoker?

A trained smoker is a person who is trained not to smoke cigarette's.

How your cigarette can effect others?

There is secondhand smoke which harms others. When the smoker inhales the smoke, it is filtered by a filter on the top of the cigarette. When the smoker blows out, it is not filtered and it can harm innocent people

What is the name that the smoke a smoker breathes in from a cigarette?

Carbon Monoxide

What do you call the combination of smoke from the burning end of a cigarette and the exhaled smoke from a smoker?

Sidestream Smoke. More than half the pollutants emitted by a cigarette come not from the smokedend of the cigarette but from its other end - the cigarette's burning end - and are called sidestream smoke.

What would be the advantages to a smoker who used a Green Smoke electronic cigarette?

The advantages to a smoker who used a Green Smoke electronic cigarette include a cigarette breath free experience and low prices. Another advantage is no risk of fire from cigarettes.

Did John Diefenbaker smoke?

He did not. John openly admitted to enjoying marijuana, but was not a cigarette smoker.

Which diseases are associated with cigarette smoke?

Lung cancer is a disease you can get from smoking. also called smoker's lung

Can a cigarette smoker pass any lung cancer to his children?

yes its possible by second hand smoke

The pulse rate of a smoker will decrease while smoking a cigarette?

while you smoke your pulse rate increases

Why are people that smoke-cigarette smokers less likely to get bit by mosquitoes?

Cigarette smoke is harmful to most living beings as they have negative effects on certain body parts. Mosquitoes are either affected by traces of cigarette smoke or leftover nicotine in a smoker's bloodstream and would have adapted to avoid them.

How do you help prevent cigarette pollution?

It spreads as it's being exhaled from the smoker or simply from the cigarette burning. You can prevent it by removing yourself from the environment, or (politely) asking the smoker not to smoke around you.

How many people are affected by second hand smoke?

It's kind of scary actually, because anytime you're around a smoker, you're breathing in second-hand smoke. You also get the 43 cancer causing chemicals in the smoke. Since you're around a cigarette, you become a passive smoker because you inhale sidestream and mainstream smoke. Sidestream smoke-smoke coming from the burning tip of a cigarette Mainstream Smoke-smoke coming from the smokers lungs