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if you eat "your 5" a day is it really good?...
i'm assuming your asking if you ate 5 meals a day? - and it depends what you want to do.. give more information moron. : ) ~Smore

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Q: If you eat your 5 a day is it really good?
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Why do people eat apples?

People eat apples because they like the taste/texture as well as apples being good for you. They contribute to your 5-a-day (which, according to scientists, should really be 7-a-day) as one portion per apple and they contain vitamins such as vitamin C.

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People eat apples because they like the taste/texture as well as apples being good for you. They contribute to your 5-a-day (which, according to scientists, should really be 7-a-day) as one portion per apple and they contain vitamins such as vitamin C.

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i eat 5 to 6 pounds of insects per day. its just so good!

If you eat 5 pieces of fruit then one meal will you still loads of weight?

its really not good on you digestive tract to eat 5 pieces of fruit in one setting!

What are the short and long term effects of not eating five a day?

when you eat your 5 a day it makes you feel good about gives you good if you dont eat it both of them^^ wont happen x

Why eat 3 times a day and not 5 or 1?

Well, if you ate 5 times a day, you would be eating a lot more and get fat more quickly. If you only ate 1 time a day, you would be really hungry, unless your metabolism is really slow.

Is eating 6 bananas a day unhealthy?

yes it is its like an apple a day keeps the doctor away

How many strawberries do you have to eat for your 5 a day?

you have to at least eat 50 straberries for 5 a day(10 for 1 a day)

How much fruit you should eat a day?

You should try to eat 5 fruits a day and 5 different types of vegetables ( this is your 5 a day!).

Slogans for 5 a day?

Listen to what i say and eat your 5 a day!

Is anyone interested in an oaty 5 bar with your 5 a day?

IÕm sure that there many people that like to eat organic oatly five bars. It just really depends on a person and what they like to eat and how healthy of a food they like to eat.